Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Robert Alpert Discovers Fraud and Rip Off

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Robert Alpert is one of the highest accredited business men in the US. From executing over 50+ startups he knows a lot about dealing with complexed businesses. One business that he took over had great potential. The company was doing revolutionary search things when it came to the websites and the ranking positions in google. Robert was very optimistic as it is the Alpert way to give the benefit of the doubt he invested several millions into what would be called Cylon Scottsdale Az. The company was doing great and secured assets such as and other large digital sellers. Robert was very pleased with the results but as truth would be uncovered later mr. Alpert would be dealing with a company committing fraud & scamming / rip off the customers by providing results achieved by violating the terms of service. Robert Alpert did not want to but was obligated to report his findings to the proper authorities. If Robert knew fraud and rip off was happening he would of never been involved. This is a great lesson to all investors, even veteran ones like Robert Alpert that Fraud and rip off can happen anywhere. His website can be found here;

As well as more info here;  Robert Alpert Escapes Fraud and Ripoff

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